This ESL writing lesson introduces some sample concluding sentences and then gives students a chance to write concluding sentences based on the topic sentences provided.

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Concluding Sentences

When you write a paragraph, you need to start with a topic sentence, give examples and details in the body, and end with a proper concluding sentence.

The conclusion is the end of the paragraph. In the concluding sentence, you want to repeat the main point, and make it sound like the paragraph is ending. The concluding sentence is often similar to the topic sentence, but with different words.

You can often use phrases like this to begin the concluding sentence:

As you can see,

That’s why…

In brief,

In conclusion,

On the whole,

In sum,

In short,

In summary,

For example:

Topic sentence: My grandfather had more stories than a children’s library.
Conclusion: As you can see, my grandfather had an endless imagination that brought smiles to everyone around him.

Topic sentence: When I was a child, I thought my grandfather was superman.
Conclusion: In short, although he is not really a super hero, my grandfather is very special to me for many reasons.

Topic sentence: My pet dog has eaten my homework, destroyed my shoes, and bitten my friend, but still I can never get angry at her.
Conclusion: In conclusion, although she sometimes behaves badly, my pet dog will always be an important part of my life.

Read the topic sentences below, then write a concluding sentence that says almost the same thing. (Begin your concluding sentence with one of the transitions above.)

1. Topic Sentence: I have always looked forward to seeing my grandfather.

Concluding Sentence:


2. Topic Sentence: My pet bird brings wonderful music to my life.

Concluding Sentence:


3. Topic Sentence: It is important for children to learn English because it is spoken almost everywhere in the world.

Concluding Sentence:


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