(vocab list, definitions, sample sentences, and review worksheet)


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VOCAB LIST: The Three Branches of Government

In the US government, there are 3 branches: the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch.

The EXECUTIVE BRANCH includes the President, the Vice President, and the cabinet members. The executive branch enforces the laws. This branch includes the people below:


Vice President

Cabinet – the people appointed by a president to assist him (including several Secretaries or Ministers)


The LEGISLATIVE BRANCH writes the laws. This branch includes the people below:

legislature – a group of people who make laws

Congress (US) – the legislature in the USA, which includes two parts: the House of Representatives and the Senate

Parliament (UK) – the legislature in the UK, which includes two parts: the House of Commons and the House of Lords


The JUDICIAL BRANCH is the system of courts. The judicial branch “interprets” the laws, or decides what the laws mean. This branch includes 3 levels of courts. The highest court in the country is called the Supreme Court.

Supreme Court – the highest court in a country

Justices – the judges on the Supreme Court (In the USA, there are nine Supreme Court Justices)


VOCAB REVIEW: The Three Branches of Government

Which branch are these people in?  Write “Executive Branch”, “Legislative Branch”, or “Judicial Branch” under each title below.
















Vice President







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